Tag Archives: amsterdam

Summer has begun!

While I find that time passes quickly, it does; however, the summer took its sweet time to arrive. Or the varied experiences that added up, slowing down my perception of time.

How I experience time, changing seasons, and the city’s vibe has dramatically changed. The winters felt mild, for I was always home in comfortable clothes (and hello, climate change); Outdoors felt less crowded, for I am always home. What has stayed the same is how the city glimmers in the golden hour – haze lit up, trees and foilage backlit, and sharp shadows create this ethereal feel indescribable in words.

This particular favourite spot near my home evoked the feeling of watching the Gladiator movie’s opening scene, where Russel Crowe walks through a field, brushing his hand against the crops.

I paused briefly and decided to get to the other side via the bridge nearby. As I dropped onto the other side of the bank, I spotted a lone skateboarder lost in an endless dance of perseverance of, trial, error, and fun.

The sun began to sink further, leaving everything aglow. Streaks of light shone throw the leaves forming sharp shadows.

Am I seeing everything through a film camera? Or is this for real? My mind wondered. The surreality was unbelievable.

I sprinted up the nesciobrug to slowly orient myself homeward

Every single time I am atop here, I feel small. I am just another human in one small corner of the world, calling this place home, a place far far away from a home lost in time.

I momentarily paused at a beach nearby, lost watching a mother-son duo playing frisbee with their dog darting joyfully in between. I was filled with complex happiness, witnessing their joy and love, yet tasting the bittersweet sting of my own grief, a sorrow I know will forever linger

I took a self-portrait in shadow to mark this moment in time and place and headed back home.

Retro sunset in Amsterdam

Gorgeous last rays of sunlight falling into the streets of Amsterdam, giving off the retro look of the ’60s, which in reality are at least couple of centuries old, on a Friday night made for a fantastic start for the weekend. It was a great day. The weekend is going to be even more amazing.


Cherry Blossoms

Spring is here, which means, the cherry blossoms trees, all around the country are blooming in pink. The fact that the sight lasts only a couple of weeks, later returning to green, makes it even more mesmerising to sit under one and watch the world go by. Its one of the few things that make me realise how far away I am from home, and how far away my life has come, for until an year ago I had never seen such a tree in my life.
