Category Archives: Blog & Life

Daily Commute

A big part of my daily routine apart from the morning coffee fix is commute to work, which I enjoy a lot, as its not a monotonous 30 minute journey, but a spread of tiny bits of activities: a 5 minute walk to tram stop, 10 minute tram journey, few minutes wait at Centraal Station, another tram ride of about 8 minutes and finally a 5 minute walk to the office building;

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People watching

Cafes are one place where unexplainably  I experience quietness amidst a barrage of sounds and ambient noises, of waves of people going in and out; of conversations in groups or on phone; of the sounds of whizzing steam and brewing coffee. As my mind goes wandering and my heart starts contemplating, am lost in the solitude and reduced to a mere drop in an ocean of strangers, I love watching people.

For each stranger I glimpse at, am left cluelessly wondering – what is happening in their lives? Are they having a good day? what are they feeling? what is their life like? questions that will forever remain a mystery; questions that I always forget the moment they walk past.
