While journeying towards Grand Canyon Village, along with a friend who joined me from Las Vegas, we were forced to make as stop over as couple of trucks on i40 collided & caught fire causing causalities and road closures. The helicopter tour we were planning on was cancelled as one of them crashed in the canyon. On that sombre mood, with our plans changed, we took the route 66, to explore a bit of the Arizona country-side and fly our drones.
The first time I heard of this highway was from the movie ‘Cars’ , although the actual place was quite far from where we were.
Faded colors caused by shining desert sun was unbelievable. I was thrilled to realize movie & tv-shows (breaking bad anyone?) scenes set in deserts were not far from reality.

Hanging out on the closed Interstate, walking and chatting with annoyed truckers was amusing to say the least.

While the town by route 66 was in shambles, it was in interesting sight as to what interstate highways have done to small towns. Concept of towns being bankrupt was as surreal as it is still alien to me.
It was trucking country through and through. Ariel views of the pit-stops, truck stops, black highways cutting through a barren landscape were all the more surreal in the middle of a desert!

The landscape, once the sun began to set turned a complete 180 degrees to reward us with a spectacular gradient of colors that left us wondering if it was a painting. That a desert could look so different was something I never imagined.