Retro sunset in Amsterdam

Gorgeous last rays of sunlight falling into the streets of Amsterdam, giving off the retro look of the ’60s, which in reality are at least couple of centuries old, on a Friday night made for a fantastic start for the weekend. It was a great day. The weekend is going to be even more amazing.


Cherry Blossoms

Spring is here, which means, the cherry blossoms trees, all around the country are blooming in pink. The fact that the sight lasts only a couple of weeks, later returning to green, makes it even more mesmerising to sit under one and watch the world go by. Its one of the few things that make me realise how far away I am from home, and how far away my life has come, for until an year ago I had never seen such a tree in my life.


Roasted Whole Cauliflower

The recipe for whole roasted cauliflower is quite simple: Just dip the cauliflower in marinade made of yogurt, assorted spices & lime juice, and roast it in oven for half an hour. It not only looks amazing but is delicious to eat as a snack too. You can of course discard the inner stem.



After craving for a long time, I finally made some fluffy pancakes from scratch. All I needed was a cup of self-rising flour, a cup of milk, an egg and some sugar – all beaten and mixed up into a paste. Too bad I didn’t stock up either Honey or Maple syrup, so had to resort to adding more sugar to the mix for sweeter pancakes. It was yummy.
