Streets of Paris

Paris is an incredibly enchanting city whose air forever smells of romance. Its filled with gorgeous buildings and facades which invoke a sense of nostalgia. Its always crowded with gorgeous women and fashionable people of all ages. There are delights hidden in every nook and corner, in places one would least expect, like the back lanes of Eiffel Tower to alleys near the Seine; Crowded areas around Pont des Arts to empty streets behind Musse d’Orsay.

I have no words to describe the sights. I only have some pictures


Football in Orange

Its the world-cup season and the entire country of Netherlands is living and breathing the Football by beginning the season with a revenge of 5-1 against Spain, the team it had lost the 2010 title to. As a result, the city of Amsterdam started getting drowned in a sea of orange everywhere.

Shops and houses, restaurants and streets were all decorated

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Scooters and flowers weren’t spared either.

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People were supporting by sporting orange everywhere, some in the big open areas setup with massive screens

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some others showed either in their own small ways


or by staring at scores in their phones away from the crowd

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Musee d’Orsay, Paris

Its an old railway station built in 1900’s in Paris, which now has been converted into a art and sculpture museum, boasting the largest collection of impressionist masterpieces.

On my first trip to Paris, I missed visiting this museum. So I made it a point to do so on my second trip last weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed some of the impressive life-sized realist paintings. But I was far more intrigued by the building, its history and architecture and also the crowd and surrounding ambience. Here are some photos

The museum was buzzing with people patiently waiting in long queues

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I could not comprehend the fact that the interiors were so beautifully designed and built, all for a railway station that saw less than 40 years of service.

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The view of River Seine was dream like


The way the the museum disappears and the residential buildings begin is just beautiful

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Summer is here

The eternally endless, snowless, cold and disappointing winter has finally come to an end in Amsterdam. The streets now dazzle in the light till late in the night. The sun is out longer than it is down. There is more warmth than there is chill. There are more people outside than ever. Hey ho and hooray, the summer is here.

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The grass is green


Flowers are full of colors

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Streets are flooded with shoppers and tourists


The streetlights are lit quite late in the night and yet, they seem to be too early


Waiting for life

So many people in the world are waiting for their life to turn around. People living in liberal countries, with power to change their circumstances wait for something exciting to happen in their lives. Many others in repressed totalitarian countries, wait for the lies to crumble and the facade for the outside world to fall. Everybody is looking to the sky wondering when their lives will change to bring them more happiness and better times

Everyone is waiting for life. I am waiting for life.

Here are some pictures that have evoked this feeling in me.

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